CBD is a product that has gained incredible notoriety in the most recent two years, predominantly due to easing of restrictions on hemp products, thanks to the US Farm Bill of 2018. CBD was given a green light by way of the legalization of hemp crops and products, thanks to this bill. Now it is…
CBD is sold in bottles everywhere. You see it online and on the counter when you pay for your gasoline. CBD oil is bottled with droppers and touted as the next best thing since sliced bread. If you’ve got a skin condition, however, you might benefit more from a salve applied directly to the skin.…
According to a survey across Europe, up to 100 million people suffer from chronic pain. In the UK alone, about 28 million people suffer from this medical condition. Over 62% of this ‘suffering’ population are aged 75 and above. In Canada, about 19% of the populations above 18 years of age suffer from chronic pain.…